Eastleigh 2020-07-15

Steven Canning 41

A PAEDOPHILE who secretly used his Xbox to search for "teenage porn" has been jailed.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0312


Grayson Court, Surrey Rd, Chandler's Ford, Eastleigh SO53


A PAEDOPHILE who secretly used his Xbox to search for "teenage porn" has been jailed.

Registered sex offender Steven Canning had been at home when police arrived "unannounced".

The 37-year-old of Grayson Court in Chandler's Ford had previously been found in possession of indecent images of children and extreme pornography.

He was made the subject of a decade-long sexual harm prevention order (SHPO).

During the visit on June 20 this year, officers "noticed a white phone charger" which he claimed was his partner's

When they inspected the kitchen they noticed an EE mobile phone booklet, the court heard

They gave Canning the option to produce any unregistered devices but he denied owning any.

Prosecuting, Leigh Hart told how officers then called the number on the booklet and a phone started ringing from inside a cupboard.

Canning's SHPO means he must tell police about any device he owns with internet access and he must present these to officers when requested.

Appearing before Southampton Crown Court on Monday, he faced charges of breaching his SHPO and also breaching a 12-month prison sentence suspended for 24-months.

Canning pleaded guilty to all charges on June 22 this year.

During another "unannounced home visit" on November 27 last year, officers asked Canning if he owned any internet-enabled devices.

He admitted owning an Xbox but claimed it was not connected to the internet.

However, Canning had lied.

Officers found the games console did have an internet connection and further investigations revealed it had been used to search for "teenage pornography".

Defending, Keely Harvey said how Canning is still at a loss and unable to provide any answers.

She said how he had just lost his father to lung cancer and that "at that point, he was down".

Furthermore, Canning "is willing and ready to do" a programme for men who been convicted of a sexual offence.

During sentencing, Judge Christopher Parker QC said: "You need help. You will I hope get help in custody."

He jailed Canning for 27 months.

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