Southampton 2021-07-07

Matthew Peter Wood 22

A SOUTHAMPTON man sent sexual videos of himself to an 11-year-old girl, a court heard.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0244


Old Redbridge Road, SO15 0


Matthew Peter Wood sent a young girl intimate images as well as videos showing him touching himself.

Using Facebook Messenger, the 19-year-old of Old Redbridge Road, asked the girl called Sophie to send him naked photos.

However, Wood was speaking with a decoy account using the name of a fictional person which had been set up to snare paedophiles.

Prosecution barrister, Jonathan Underhill, told how Wood was later confronted by a group of paedophile hunters who travelled to Southampton.

He initially denied the accusations against him and claimed his phone had been hacked.

However, he was then shown screenshots of his interactions with Sophie and admitted to what he had done.

Appearing before Southampton Crown Court he was charged with intentionally attempting to communicate with a person under 16 who he did not reasonably believe to be 16 or over, the communication being intended to encourage her to make a communication that was sexual. He was also charged with intentionally attempting to cause a child to look at an image of himself engaging in sexual activity.

He pleaded guilty to the offences which happened between April and July last year at an earlier hearing.

Defending, Mark Florida-James, said his client has had depression since he was 12 years old when his girlfriend at the time died.

Mr Florida-James said: “Put quite bluntly Mr Wood is still a young man. He is terrified of what might happen to him.”

At sentencing, Judge Peter Henry, said “I make it clear also that I have concerns about the ways of these so-called paedophile hunters because there is a narrow line between people who really are doing it for virtuous reasons and those who do it for recognition on Facebook."

He jailed him for six months, suspended for two years. Wood must complete 60 rehabilitation activity days and 120 hours of unpaid work.

Furthermore, he has been made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order for seven years and must register as a sex offender for the same period.

He warned: “Had this been a real child, you would be going down those steps behind you.”

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