Southampton 2020-12-28

Yang Wang 26

A SOUTHAMPTON student sexually assaulted an unconscious woman who was so drunk she vomited, a court heard.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0204


Southampton University, Cumberland Place Halls


Yang Wang put his hand up his victim’s skirt and kissed her as she sat slumped unconscious.

The 23-year-old Southampton University student could be seen laughing as he groped her in CCTV footage played at Southampton Crown Court on Tuesday, December 15.

The sexual assault took place at a “snug room” in Cumberland Place Halls of residence on March 2 this year.

Prosecution barrister, Natasha Dardashti told how the woman could not remember what had happened and would not have consented to anyone touching her.

Furthermore, she gave no impact statement.

Following his arrest, Wang who was accompanied by a lawyer gave a no comment interview but after being shown the CCTV footage gave a statement.

Read out in court by defence barrister Justin McClintock, it said: “I fully accept that my behaviour is such that I sexually assaulted this female. I am appalled by my behaviour and what I have done.”

Mr McClintock argued his client is academically bright having achieved a distinction in his studies but is “ultimately very immature”.

During sentencing, Judge Nicholas Rowland described the assault as both ugly and serious. He scolded Wang saying the girl was particularly vulnerable as she was unconscious. Jailed for 12-months he will have to register as a sex offender for ten years.

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